$127.00 USD

Positive Parenting Support Network Workshop

Time with our children is precious and limited, so let's maximize it!

Get equipped with the positive parenting tools and strategies you need to have less tantrums and tears and more love and laughter in your family!

What you'll get:

  • 3 Workshop Sessions: The full workshop experience is packed into just 45 mins to fit easily into your busy day. Recordings will be available if you are not able to attend live. Meet via Zoom in the comfort of your own home or office.
  • Action Steps and Accountability: Stay on track with the weekly workshops and opportunities to share how you implemented the positive parenting tools
  • Workbook: Organize your new positive parenting tools, learnings and action plans with the strategic workbook provided
  • Peer Support: Interact with other parents facing similar challenges, offering and receiving support, empathy, and encouragement. Share stories and enjoy the sense of community support.
  • Resource Materials: You will get carefully selected recommended books and articles to supplement your workshop experience
  • Park Day: For those in the San Francisco Bay Area, enjoy a park day celebration at the end of the workshop to connect with your parenting tribe in person